This describes the steps used to configure the original testbed at the University of Washington. They are meant to be followed on Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS i386 (32-bit) which has reached end-of-life and no longer receives security updates, so please follow the current installation instructions.
If you are scripting commands you can either setuid them or you can just disable password checks for sudo. I prefer the latter, it comes in handy more and requires less manual effort. But, install your security patches.
sudo visudo # change # %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL # to # %admin ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL
If you are planning on modifying the driver and other parts of the wireless network stack, you'll want to make sure the modules aren't autoloaded. This way, when you crash the machine, it'll stay up when it reboots!
sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf # Add this: # blacklist modules under active development blacklist iwldvm blacklist iwlwifi blacklist mac80211 blacklist cfg80211
These are for ensuring you can compile and install our modified Linux kernel.
sudo apt-get -y install git-core kernel-package fakeroot build-essential ncurses-dev
These are for compiling our userspace tools.
sudo apt-get -y install libnl-dev libssl-dev # Install some necessary libraries
iw is the new iwconfig. You need it to do things like enable monitor mode and 40 MHz channels from the command line.
sudo apt-get -y install iw
First, we fetch the code for the stable release of our custom kernel. We also fetch supplemental files such as custom firmware, userspace tools, and MATLAB scripts.
git clone -b csitool-stable git:// git clone git://
Next, we configure the kernel. We offer two options for how this can be done. V1: This version uses our optimized kernel config. It compiles very fast and has a lot of Linux cruft removed, but it may take a few tries to get it working for all the hardware on your system.
cd linux-80211n-csitool # Go into the kernel src directory make oldconfig # Use our optimized kernel config make menuconfig # Enable your system-specific hardware
V2. This method uses the Ubuntu default config, which is designed to work on any system but generates a very large kernel image and takes much longer to compile.
cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config make oldconfig
Now it's time to compile, and finally install the kernel.
make -j3 bzImage modules # -j3 here is 3-way parallelism, try #cores+1 sudo make install modules_install # INSTALL sudo mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-`cat include/config/kernel.release` \ `cat include/config/kernel.release` # create ramdisk used to boot sudo update-grub # Only needed the first time for a new version
Next we install the Linux kernel-headers. The userspace utilities that log the CSI reported by the NIC need this to function.
make headers_install # creates a copy of the linux-headers in ./usr/include/ sudo mkdir /usr/src/linux-headers-`cat include/config/kernel.release` sudo cp -rf usr/include /usr/src/linux-headers-`cat include/config/kernel.release`/include
Finally, reboot into your new kernel. If you have issues booting, boot back into the previous kernel and then look into your kernel config.
The firmware is located in the supplementary material git at linux-80211n-csitool-supplementary/firmware/.
# backup original firmware, good for reference sudo cp /lib/firmware/iwlwifi-5000-2.ucode /lib/firmware/iwlwifi-5000-2.ucode.orig sudo mv /lib/firmware/iwlwifi-5000-5.ucode /lib/firmware/iwlwifi-5000-5.ucode.orig # copy ours in separately, keeping name for reference sudo cp iwlwifi-5000-2.ucode.sigcomm2010 /lib/firmware/ # install ours sudo cp iwlwifi-5000-2.ucode.sigcomm2010 /lib/firmware/iwlwifi-5000-2.ucode
At the time of writing, hostap 0.7 is the stable version.
cd # Back out of the kernel tree git clone git:// # Get the code cd hostap-07/hostapd cp <hostap-dotconfig> .config # Our hostap config from linux-80211n-csitool-supplementary/hostap-config-files/ make cp <hostapd.conf-test> hostapd.conf # Install the vanilla hostap conf we provide
The userspace netlink tool that logs CSI is located in the supplementary material git at linux-80211n-csitool-supplementary/netlink/.
cd ~/linux-80211n-csitool-supplementary/netlink # We assume you install into your home directory make # hopefully the make succeeds! # If not, figure out why it didn't compile. Did you install the Linux headers above?
First we'll test that hostap is working.
sudo modprobe iwlwifi # did it work? Do you see logs about iwlwifi in the dmesg? sudo iwlist scanning # did it work? Did you get access points? sudo ~/hostap-07/hostapd/hostapd ~/hostap-07/hostapd/hostapd.conf # did it work? if you're in a busy network you should see probe requests going by # also, go to a machine you control and scan # go to a machine you control and associate sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid csitool-test # ... etc
Make sure to kill hostapd when you're done. Then put 802.11n-enabled hostapd config file in place:
cp <hostapd.conf-real> hostapd.conf # Install the real hostap conf we provide
Now let's try logging some beamforming information, i.e., CSI!
sudo rmmod iwlwifi mac80211 cfg80211 # remove the modules sudo modprobe iwlwifi connector_log=0x1 # load the modules and set userspace beamforming logging <first, associate and set up IP to an AP that will send you HT packets> cd ~/linux-80211n-csitool-supplementary/netlink sudo ./log_to_file tmp.dat
In a different terminal, start pinging the access point
ping <AP IP address>
By pinging the AP (make sure the pings are answered!), you are starting traffic flow between your client and AP. Intel has programmed its drivers to start in Legacy (802.11a/g) mode, thus the first pings will be sent at the 1Mbps or 6Mbps rate. For legacy rates, CSI will not be measured.
After a few dozen pings, the rate selection should automatically switch to HT (802.11n) bitrates. At this point, log_to_file will start recording packets and the iwlwifi driver will print messages in the kernel syslog.